Pittsburgh Meditation Flash Mob 6/9/12
A flashmob is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place to perform some sort of act together for the purpose of entertainment or artistic expression.
The intention with a meditation flashmob is for people of all religions, all world views and all experience levels to join together in meditation as an expression of unity and peace.
Who is leading this?
Joni Sturgill, certified yoga and meditation teacher, of Healthy Body Peaceful Soul (www.jonisturgill.com).
Saturday, June 9 at 12:30pm
North Shore Riverfront Park’s Great Lawn near the Water Steps In Pittsburgh. Look for Joni, she’ll be wearing red pants & a white top an will be sitting with a large white “bowl” – crystal singing bowl.
What will we be doing?
Joni will begin and gather the group by playing a crystal singing bowl. This is an instrument used for meditation and makes a unique sound. When you hear it, come and sit somewhere near Joni. After 5 minutes of the singing bowl, Joni will lead the group in a “sea of OMs” where you chant OM over and over. If you prefer not to chant OM, you could still sit and breathe with us, or chant the vowel sound “OH”. We will OM for 10 minutes. Sit in silence for 10 minutes (where you can choose to focus on your breathing or a positive phrase/mantra), Joni will play the singing bowl again for 5 minutes and we will end with another sea of OMs for a few minutes. The whole thing should take around a half an hour.
Who can attend?
Anyone and everyone! No experience necessary. This is a free event to share the benefits of meditation as a group and demonstrate that for others! After the flashmob, Joni will be available for questions, to chat and to hand out some materials if you’re interested in learning more about yoga, meditation or stress reduction.