Something More Beautiful...

I wonder if the trees know their leaves will drop...
if they expect it, each fall...
And do they cry in the cold of winter, without their mane of green?
Or do they sit still...breathing into their roots,
patiently present...without a care
for whatever lies ahead?
The earth accepts these changes,
like ocean waves crashing over again and again...
Never knowing, not worrying
about when the crashing began... or when it will end.
I wonder if each crash of a wave is meant to wash away the the leaves...
And unlike the trees, we cling and grasp...
trying to hold on … to something that was meant to fall and regrow.
Let the leaves fall where they may,
And be washed away.
Then maybe …
if we can be still... ground ourselves...
the change will wash over us, smooth us out like a rock on the beach,
And some new season will bring us
flowers of a brighter color …
new leaves … new growth ...
new leaves … new growth ...
something more beautiful ... than we ever expected.
~ Joni Sturgill